
ArcticCircle24 - adventure race in Finland 14.04.2008 23:47
Finland’s northest adveture race in Arctic Circle!

Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland, hosts the first Artic Circle Adventure Sport Event in 4.-5. July in 2008. The ArcticCircle24 enables to enjoy the nature of Finnish Lapland in two level, a 24 hour Stage Race for adventure seekers and a 24 hour non-stop race for more sport addicted teams.

The teams consist of three members in both categories, regardless of sex. No support crew is needed.

Disciplines in the race are running, orienteering, mountainbiking, paddling, coastaleering, inline skating and few special tasks and quests.

The registration for the event has started. More details about the event can be found on web site

We are pleased to invite you into the worlds only 24-hour adventure sport event without the need of any headlamps!


14.04.2008 23:47

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